5 Reasons Why School Holiday Tours Are Essential

A School holiday tour is an expedition outside the framework of the school in order to take the pupils to see and know other realities. Opinions and reviews shared on Reviewsbird.co.uk consider it a journey of discovery and learning. Students set off in groups, with teachers, to a destination chosen according to the purpose of the outing, often an academic goal.

Here are five (5) reasons why school holiday tours are quite essential.

1. Unite and Mobilize Around a Project

Spending several days outside of school, being in a community 24 hours a day, inevitably strengthens group cohesion within the class. A new dynamic is taking shape. Most of the time, the students are very motivated by this experience before, during, and after the stay. It is therefore the moment to involve them in the preparation of the project but also to make them work on a post-stay presentation. The … Continue reading >>>