Why You’Re Unfortunately Not As Smart As You Think

Society praises intelligence, leaving little room for flawed thinking. The evidence of this is how we react to those we deep, impolitely put, stupid. Social media has taken to new heights how much people have a disdain for people they deem to be less superior than they are in thinking. Generally speaking, very few of us are both honest and modest about how much we, in fact, do not know. Whether working at the drug store or a web design company in whatever capacity, quite truthfully, you’re not a smart as you think you are. That includes outside the work setting.
Understanding that you’re bias
Have you unfortunately met people who claim that they are a pro at something, yet their performance, at best, is average? We might frown at these people, wondering how in the world they’re unable to see the obvious: they are not as good as they … Continue reading >>>