The Gonski Report For Disadvantaged Children – The Problem Is The Parents As First Educators

The long-awaited Review of Funding for Schooling has become completed along with the Report with the panel of eminent Australians chaired by David Gonski AC continues to be released.

In this Submission, I have only focused on Chapter 3 to equity and disadvantage but also have comments in terms of disabled children.

I have also targeting western suburban schools in Sydney as I reside in that area and my kids attended western suburbs catholic school before moving with an independent school.

The panel has to be congratulated since the Report is both comprehensive and well researched and produces several recommendations that, if implemented may, to some degree, enhance the educational outcomes of some Australian children.

The ‘Pink Elephant’ In the Gonski Report

I believe, however, how the Report, (for whatever reason) doesn’t acknowledge ‘the pink elephant’ inside the classroom and that’s that parents are the first educators of the children. … Continue reading >>>

Things You Need to Know If Are You a Chemical Educator – Magazine Review

Indeed, the most important subject attending college in Chemistry it is amazing so few students partake. You see, anything you see, everything place you go consists of chemistry – yes, even that person the truth is inside your mirror; You are too! Now then, since this subject can be so crucial that you all things in our society and civilization, there exists a good academic magazine I want to advise you to take if you are involved in the educating of future chemists.

The name from the academic journal is:

“Journal of Chemical Education,” ACS Publications, content created by the Division of Chemical Education, Inc. of the American Chemical Society, ISSN: 0021-9584.

With the latest high-tech materials coming on the scene they’re going to assist us in accomplishing our goals for better fuel economy, more strength, safety, longer-lasting, along with a host of other incredible properties. The game is changing, … Continue reading >>>

Our Children Get Education, Not Education

Our Children Get Education, Not Education

At educational conferences on school improvement, meetings and workshops everywhere, educators condemned the debilitating effects of the current obsession with testing. Education should be about bringing out the best in children – helping them develop their mind, body, and soul. Education comes from the Latin word educare, which means “bring”, which is related to educere, which means “bring out,” “bring up what is inside,” and “bring up potential,” and ducere, which means “to lead.” The test comes from the Latin word testum, which refers to the lid of a clay vessel, clay vessel or earthen pot. So, I conclude that the current state of education is more accurate “testucation”, a process in which “testucators” try to provide information or “testucate” their “testuees” to store information in pots with a lid.

Research shows that 85% of the information spent by their testucator on the testuee to prepare for the test is … Continue reading >>>

End of Education As We Know That

End of Education As We Know That

One hundred and fifty years ago the world changed. At that time people left their farms and started working in factories. When children of that erran in tatters on the streets, our cultural ancestors asked:

How do we prepare our children for this new world, the world they will inherit?

This translates to, “How do we prepare them to work in factories?” And in response, “modern” school was born. In this school children sit in rows, act correctly, respond to bells and raise their hands to ask to be allowed to change assignments. This school building has become ubiquitous and since then until now people have been educated in this way.

In the 21st century the world has changed again, and as before children ran on the streets. These are still early days, but not enough people ask:

How do we prepare our children for the world they will inherit?

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Determine What You Want When You Grow Up With Dedication

Determine What You Want When You Grow Up With Dedication

Many of us spend our early years trying to figure out what we are going to be when we grow up. Unfortunately, that decision is not one that is easily made and there are some individuals who may even have a difficult time figuring it out in later years as well. There are some things that you can do, however, which will assist you in choosing a career that is going to fit well for you. Using these tips will not only help you to be happy with the career that you choose, it will also give you the opportunity to choose something that will provide well for you and your family.

The first step in the process is to take a close look at who you are and what you enjoy. You need to look at things such as your interests, your personality and your personal values. This can … Continue reading >>>