Drawing around the Art of Telling Bible Stories For Children

Bible stories for children are worth telling! They are vital since they are the living Word in the eternal God and for that reason essential so that we all know what God has to say to us and the lessons we need to learn. When you read the Bible, you read a communication from God himself.

Often these truths are presented utilizing stories of characters and how they acted in some circumstances with subsequent consequences including Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah, Joseph, David and Goliath, Daniel, Jonah, the Rich Man and Lazarus, Mary and Martha, etc. This enables the listener to get in touch with a deeper level with the story and consequently think more about the implication of the company’s teaching.

Jesus taught primarily in the form of parables which were short allegoric stories, taking examples from nature or contemporary self-confidence. One from the reasons for Jesus … Continue reading >>>